VIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Misionera | PUCP
VIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Misionera | PUCP


Participant Type Cost
Presenter S/. 280.00
Non-presenter S/. 225.00

Registration costs are listed in Nuevos Soles, the official currency of Peru. Exchange rate information can be found at

Possible Methods of Payment:

How and where do I register and pay?

Step 1 - REGISTER: Registration is obligatory before payment, Click here
Step 2 - REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION: Make sure to have a printer connected for printing your registration confirmation.
Step 3 - MAKE PAYMENT: Using the information listed on your registration confirmation, pay the corresponding fee.

Once the payment has been received, your status will change from REGISTERED to ENROLLED, which will allow you to attend the event and collect: credentials, materials, certificates, etc.

For questions about registration, contact by phone +511-626-2000 ext. 3262 or 3275 and/or by e-mail to

VIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Misionera | PUCP