Lima-Peru – September 18 - 21 2018
Second Latin American Congress of Interdisciplinary Research and Higher Education (2018 IEI)

Current edition

The Second Latin American Congress of Interdisciplinary Research and Higher Education (2018 IEI)
The objective of this Second Congress is to consolidate and promote spaces where to turn and collect experiences, strategies, methodologies, results and modalities of evaluation of interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research and education activities.

Congress Venue:
Auditorio de Derecho
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel

Academic Coordination
Institute of Nature, Territory and Renewable Energy Sciences (INTE-PUCP)
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Telephone: 626-2000 Ext: 3065

Registration and Information

Phone: (511) 626-2000 Ext. 3275


Costs and Registration

Payment methods

How can I pay for my registration?

During the online registration, you will be required to fulfill personal data. Then, you must indicate the activity (in the case of the workshops that you will register), the group that you belongs (It determines the amount to be paid), the form of payment and the type of voucher required. The university, by Resolution of SUNAT, has been authorized to issue electronic receipts. The email you post will be used to send you the electronic receipt. To learn more about the forms of payment available, enter the download files depending on the group you associate:



For national participants, the invoice will be declared inside Peru, the university brings two options:

  • Receipt: You will have to select the type of document (DNI, Carné de Extranjería en Perú, Pasaporte, Documento tributario no domiciliado sin RUC), write the document number and an email to send the voucher.
  • Invoice: You will have to select the type RUC, Business name, the address for the invoice, and an email to send the voucher.
    For foreign participants, the invoice will be declared outside Peru, the university brings two options:
  • On behalf of the participant: You will have to select the type of document (Carné de Extranjería en Perú, Pasaporte), write the document number and an email to send the voucher.
  • On behalf of the institution: You will have to select the type of document (NIF, RTF, Otros), indicate the document number, the institution’s name, the institution’s country, the institution’s address and an email to send the voucher.

After having paid the fees indicated, your condition will change automatically from INSCRITO, to MATRICULADO, condition with which you will have the right to collect credentials, materials, certificates, etc.

Participants may contact us at (511) 626-2000, Ext. 3273 or 3275, or at our email address