X Congreso Internacional sobre Enseñanza de las Matemáticas (X CIEM)

From February 20 to 22, 2020


The Mathematics Teaching Research Institute and the Mathematics Teaching Master’s Degree at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru-PUCP call for the 10th International Congress on Mathematics Teaching to be held in Lima, Peru from February 20 to 22. 2020

The X International Congress on Teaching Mathematics is an academic event in the area of ​​Mathematics Didactics, which in its eight previous editions was called the International Colloquium on the Teaching of Mathematics, it is from the ninth edition (IX CIEM) that It is presented as an International Congress on Mathematics Teaching.

This call is aimed at researchers, teachers of all educational levels, students and the public interested in the teaching and learning of mathematics, so that they present papers on the modalities of research reports, experiences socialization and workshops.

The Organizing Committee
