IS1: Modern Bayesian Methods and Applications.

Organizers: Eduardo Gutiérrez Peña, UNAM, México  y Manuel Mendoza, ITAM, México



IS2: Applied Bayesian Nonparametric

Organizer: Peter Mueller, UT Austin, USA



IS3: Connections of p-values and Bayesian Measures of Evidence

Organizer: Luis Pericchi, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico



IS4: Highly Structured Systems

Organizer: Hedibert Freitas Lopes, Insper, Brasil



IS5: Bayesian Statistics: Theory and Methods

Organizer: Francisco Javier Rubio, King’s College London, UK



IS6: Applied and Theoretical Aspects of Bayesian Nonparametric Modelling

Organizer: Fernando Quintana, PUC Chile, Chile



IS7: Recent Advances in Survival Analysis or Reliability


To discuss some recent advances in Survival or Reliability modeling under the new tendency of innovation and transfer of technology in finance, medicine and industry.

Organizer: Vera L. D. Tomazella, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil



IS8: Bayesian UQ

Organizer: Andrés Christen, CIMAT, México



IS9: Early Career Researchers

Organizer:  Bruno Sanso, University of California Santa Cruz, USA



IS10: Junior Contributions to Bayesian Modeling and Inference


The Bayesian approach is attracting an increasing interest in several applied fields since it allows borrowing of information, coherent uncertainty quantification, shrinkage, inclusion of prior knowledge, modeling of complex dependence structures and tractable inference via the posterior distribution. This session on JUNIOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO BAYESIAN MODELING AND INFERENCE aims at hosting talks by junior researchers from Latin America who are currently working on providing advances in Bayesian inference from different perspectives, covering sampling, regression and high-dimensional sparse models.

Organizer: j-ISBA Section

Isadora Antoniano. Bocconi University, Italy



IS11: Statistics in the Environment 


Alexandra Schmidt, McGill University, Canada


  • Thais Fonseca, UFRJ, Brazil. Bayesian Cross-Validation of Geostatistical Models
  • Eliane Rodrigues, UNAM, Mexico. Using a non-homogenous Poisson model with spatial anisotropy and change-points to study rate of ozone exceedances in Mexico City